Special Needs Planning

Parents of children with special needs often face additional challenges when planning for the future of their loved ones.  For instance, an inheritance or gift could render your child ineligible for government benefits.


Alyssa B. Greenberg, Esq. is experienced in the area of special needs planning and will create an estate plan that helps protect your family member with special needs.  Her planning can help provide your loved one with material comfort, educational opportunities and health care needs.


Ms. Greenberg's special needs planning services include:

If you become unable to care for a family member with special needs or die without planning for their future, your loved one’s quality of life may suffer. As a result, the development of a special needs plan is an important process and finding the right attorney to assist you is a vital aspect of this process. Ms. Greenberg is sensitive to your concerns and passionate about helping you care for your loved one with special needs. Please do not hesitate to contact her at (973) 252-1850 or agreenberg@abgreenberglaw.com concerning your planning needs.